Saturday, February 16, 2008


Here's something I wrote when I was depressed:

Dear God,

Why am I here existing?
Doing nothing but taking up space
It is sad and pathetic.
Even you don't understand what I am going through.
Please take me away from the hurt and pain.
Before it's too late.
Don't let me take matters into my own hands.
I know you don't listen.

When I'm down on my knees.
But you don't know what it's like.
To be unloved, abused, depressed and misunderstood.

Do you hear the screaming

The words like silver daggers

Hurting me inside
You haven't felt real misery like this.
Or numbness inside.
Because you are all mighty.

And I am your mistake.
A flaw in your perfect world.
I am sorry I ruined.
The plans that you had.
For the world, for destiny.
God I failed you...

By being myself.
By being your mistake.
But you always failed me.
By never being there.
Why do you make my life...
So cruel and unfair?


Anonymous said...

You are not a mistake. You are not a flaw in a perfect world. The world is far from perfect. It is sin that caused (and is causing) the imperfection. Sin that is causing the pain, not God. God is our refuge. God cares.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry your hurting so much. Let me tell you that God dosn't make any mistakes. You are His perfect workmanship. What happens around you isn't your fault...find someone you can talk to. Your not alone.